
A powerful multi-paradigm systems programming language for complete hardware and software control

SystemScript is a comprehensive programming language designed to bridge the gap between low-level system programming and high-level application development. With a C-like syntax but considerably more power and flexibility, it provides direct hardware manipulation capabilities alongside high-level abstractions, allowing developers to work at any level of the computing stack - from bare metal to web applications.

The language uses a recursively enumerable parsing system that enables both precise control and expressive syntax, making it suitable for everything from kernel development to web applications, while maintaining absolute control over underlying systems resources.

Interactive Example

module hello;


fn main() -> i32 {
    io.println("Hello World. As I open my eyes I see the pain, suffering, and destruction of lives. This world is no place for weaklings, no place for beggers, no place for leaches. But atleast it has tacos!");
    return 0;
Hello World. As I open my eyes I see the pain, suffering, and destruction of lives. This world is no place for weaklings, no place for beggers, no place for leaches. But atleast it has tacos!

Language Fundamentals

Syntax Overview

SystemScript features a C-like syntax with significant extensions for hardware manipulation, memory control, and system-level operations:

// Basic program structure
module example;

import system.memory;

// Constants
const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE: u32 = 4096;

// Function definition with type annotations
fn calculate_checksum(data: *u8, length: u32) -> u32 {
    let sum: u32 = 0;
    for (let i: u32 = 0; i < length; i++) {
        sum += *unsafe_offset(data, i);
    return sum & 0xFFFFFFFF;

// Entry point
fn main() -> i32 {
    // String literals
    let message = "Hello, SystemScript!";
    // Direct memory allocation
    let buffer = memory.alloc<u8>(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    // Hardware port access
    io.port_write<u8>(0x3F8, 65);
    return 0;

Type System

SystemScript features a strong, static type system with support for low-level and high-level types:

Primitive Types

Type Description Size (bytes)
i8, i16, i32, i64 Signed integers of various sizes 1, 2, 4, 8
u8, u16, u32, u64 Unsigned integers of various sizes 1, 2, 4, 8
f32, f64 IEEE 754 floating point numbers 4, 8
bool Boolean value (true/false) 1
char UTF-8 character 1
void Absence of type 0

Derived Types

Type Description Example
Pointers Memory address reference *u8, *void
References Non-null pointer to an object &i32, &str
Arrays Fixed-size collection [u8; 16], [i32; 4]
Slices Dynamic view into array []u8, []i32
Strings UTF-8 string slice str
Functions Function pointers fn(i32, i32) -> i32

User-Defined Types

// Structure definition with explicit memory layout
#[repr(C, packed)]
struct NetworkPacket {
    dest_mac: [u8; 6],
    src_mac: [u8; 6],
    ethertype: u16,
    payload: [u8; 1500]

// Enumeration
enum ProcessState {

// Union for type punning
union FloatBytes {
    value: f32,
    bytes: [u8; 4]

// Type aliases
type byte = u8;
type size_t = u64;
type CString = *u8;

Type Safety and Unsafe Operations

SystemScript provides strong type safety by default, but allows explicit unsafe operations for low-level programming:

// Safe code by default
fn safe_example(data: &[u8]) -> u32 {
    return data.length; // Safe, bounds checked

// Unsafe block for low-level operations
fn unsafe_example(ptr: *u8, offset: u64) -> u8 {
    unsafe {
        let value = *memory.offset(ptr, offset);
        return value;

Memory Model

SystemScript provides complete control over memory management with both high-level abstractions and low-level direct manipulation:

Reference Counting
Stack Allocation
Direct Mapping

Memory Management Examples

// Manual allocation/deallocation
fn manual_memory() {
    // Allocate 1024 bytes
    let buffer = memory.alloc<u8>(1024);
    // Use the buffer
    buffer[0] = 42;
    // Explicit deallocation;
    // Scoped deallocation with defer
    let data = memory.alloc<u32>(256);
    defer; // Will be freed when function exits

// Direct memory mapping
fn map_device_memory() {
    // Map hardware device memory (GPU framebuffer)
    let framebuffer = memory.map_device(0xF0000000, 8 * 1024 * 1024);
    defer memory.unmap(framebuffer);
    // Write directly to mapped memory
    framebuffer[100] = 0xFF00FF00; // Set pixel color

Pointer Safety

// Safe pointer manipulation with bounds checking
fn safe_pointer_example() {
    let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let ptr = &array[0];
    // Bounds-checked pointer arithmetic
    let value = ptr.offset(2); // Safe access to array[2]
    // Null checking
    if (ptr.is_null()) {
        io.println("Null pointer detected");
Warning: Using unsafe pointer operations bypasses SystemScript's safety mechanisms. Only use when absolutely necessary and after careful consideration.

Control Flow

SystemScript provides comprehensive control flow mechanisms for precise program execution:

Basic Control Structures

// Conditionals
if (condition) {
    // code
} else if (another_condition) {
    // code
} else {
    // code

// Switch statement with pattern matching
switch (value) {
    case 1:
        // code
    case 2..5: // Range match
        // code
    case *: // Default case
        // code

// Loops
while (condition) {
    // code

do {
    // code
} while (condition);

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    // code

// Iterator-based for loop
for (item in collection) {
    // code

// Infinite loop
loop {
    // code
    if (exit_condition) break;

Advanced Control Flow

// Early returns
fn find_value(array: &[i32], target: i32) -> bool {
    for (item in array) {
        if (item == target) return true;
    return false;

// Named loops and breaks
outer: for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    inner: for (let j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
        if (condition) break inner;
        if (another_condition) break outer;

// Defer statement (cleanup regardless of exit path)
fn process_file(path: str) -> Result {
    let file =;
    defer file.close();
    // Even if an error occurs below, file.close() will be called
    let data = file.read_all()?;
    return Ok(process_data(data));

// Exception handling for high-level code
try {
    let result = potentially_failing_operation();
} catch (e: IoError) {
} catch (e: *) {
} finally {
    // Always executed
Pattern Matching Example
fn match_example(value: any) {
    match value {
        0...9 => io.println("Single digit: {}", value),
        i32 if value > 100 => io.println("Large number: {}", value),
        "hello" | "hi" => io.println("Greeting!"),
        [i32] => io.println("Integer array with {} elements", value.length),
        Person { name, age } => io.println("Person {} is {} years old", name, age),
        _ => io.println("No match found")
Single digit: 5

Functions & Procedures

SystemScript provides flexible function definitions with powerful features for expressive and efficient code:

Function Declarations

// Basic function
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    return a + b;

// Function with multiple return values
fn divide_with_remainder(a: i32, b: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
    return (a / b, a % b);

// Variadic functions
fn printf(format: str, args: ...any) -> i32 {
    // Implementation

// Generic functions
fn min<T: Comparable>(a: T, b: T) -> T {
    return if (a < b) a else b;

// Function with optional parameters
fn create_window(title: str, width: i32 = 800, height: i32 = 600) -> Window {
    // Implementation

// Function with named parameters
fn configure(name: str, options: {port: i32, timeout: i32, retries: i32}) {
    // Implementation

Advanced Function Features

// Function attributes
fn performance_critical() {
    // Will be inlined at every call site

fn fatal_error(message: str) {
    io.println("ERROR: " + message);

// Calling conventions
fn c_compatible_function(arg: i32) -> i32 {
    return arg * 2;

// Closures and lambdas
fn apply_transform(values: &[i32], transform: fn(i32) -> i32) -> [i32] {
    let result = [i32; values.length];
    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        result[i] = transform(values[i]);
    return result;

// Usage with lambda
let doubled = apply_transform(numbers, |x| x * 2);

// Function overloading
fn process(value: i32) -> i32 { return value * 2; }
fn process(value: str) -> str { return value + value; }

// Higher-order functions
fn compose<A,B,C>(f: fn(B) -> C, g: fn(A) -> B) -> fn(A) -> C {
    return |x| f(g(x));

Function Features

Optional Parameters
Named Parameters
Multiple Returns

Modules & Libraries

SystemScript uses a robust module system for code organization and reuse:

Module System

// Defining a module
module network.protocols.http;

// Importing modules
import memory.{alloc, free};
import network.socket as net;

// Export declarations
pub fn parse_request(data: &[u8]) -> HttpRequest {
    // Implementation

// Internal (non-exported) function
fn validate_headers(headers: &[HttpHeader]) -> bool {
    // Implementation

// Conditional compilation
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn platform_specific() {
    // Linux-specific code

#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn platform_specific() {
    // Windows-specific code

Standard Library Organization

SystemScript comes with a comprehensive standard library organized in modules:

Module Description Key Components
system Operating system interfaces, process management Process, Environment, Signals, Time
memory Memory allocation, manipulation, reference counting Allocator, Arena, Virtual, Protection
io Input/output operations, files, streams File, Stream, Console, Port
network Networking, sockets, protocols Socket, HTTP, TCP, UDP, IP
hardware Hardware access, ports, devices CPU, Interrupts, DMA, GPU, PCI
collections Data structures, algorithms Vector, HashMap, List, Tree, Queue
concurrency Threads, atomics, synchronization Thread, Mutex, Atomic, Condition
security Cryptography, access control Crypto, Hash, Certificate, Permission

Package Management

// Package definition (
package {
    name: "network-protocol",
    version: "1.0.0",
    authors: ["Your Name "],
    description: "Custom network protocol implementation",
    dependencies: {
        "crypto": "^2.1.0",
        "socket": "^1.3.5",
        "memory-utils": {
            version: "1.0.0",
            features: ["zero-copy"]
    exports: [

System Integration

Direct Hardware Access

SystemScript provides direct access to hardware resources, enabling deep system control:

Port I/O

import hardware.port;

// Read from port
let value =<u8>(0x3F8);

// Write to port
port.write<u8>(0x3F8, 0x41);

// Multiple port operations
unsafe {
    // Disable interrupts during port operations
    let flags = cpu.disable_interrupts();
    defer cpu.restore_interrupts(flags);
    // Serial port initialization sequence
    port.write<u8>(0x3F8 + 1, 0x00);    // Disable interrupts
    port.write<u8>(0x3F8 + 3, 0x80);    // Enable DLAB
    port.write<u8>(0x3F8 + 0, 0x03);    // Set divisor to 3 (38400 baud)
    port.write<u8>(0x3F8 + 1, 0x00);    // Set divisor to 3 (high byte)
    port.write<u8>(0x3F8 + 3, 0x03);    // 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
    port.write<u8>(0x3F8 + 2, 0xC7);    // Enable FIFO, clear, 14-byte threshold

Memory-Mapped I/O

import hardware.mmio;

// Map device memory
let gpu_registers =, 4096);
defer mmio.unmap(gpu_registers);

// Register definitions
const REG_CONTROL   = 0x00;
const REG_STATUS    = 0x04;
const REG_WIDTH     = 0x0C;
const REG_HEIGHT    = 0x10;

// Configure device
gpu_registers[REG_WIDTH] = 1920;
gpu_registers[REG_HEIGHT] = 1080;
gpu_registers[REG_FRAMEBUFFER_ADDR] = physical_framebuffer_address;

// Enable device
gpu_registers[REG_CONTROL] = 0x01;

CPU Register Access

import hardware.cpu;

// Read CPU registers
let cr0 = cpu.read_cr0();
let eflags = cpu.read_eflags();

// Write CPU register

// Atomic operations
let old_value = cpu.atomic_xchg(&shared_variable, new_value);

// CPU feature detection
if (cpu.has_feature(cpu.FEATURE_SSE4_2)) {
    // Use SSE 4.2 optimized code path
} else {
    // Use fallback implementation

Interrupt Management

import hardware.interrupts;

// Define interrupt handler
fn keyboard_handler(frame: &InterruptFrame) {
    let scancode =<u8>(0x60);

// Install interrupt handler
interrupts.set_handler(0x21, keyboard_handler);

// Enable/disable interrupts
// Critical section
Note: Hardware access generally requires elevated privileges on most operating systems. When developing applications with direct hardware access, always ensure your program runs with the appropriate permissions.

Memory Manipulation

SystemScript provides advanced memory manipulation capabilities for low-level system programming:

Direct Memory Operations

import memory;

// Raw memory operations
unsafe {
    // Set memory region to a value
    memory.set(buffer, 0, 1024);  // Zero 1024 bytes
    // Copy memory
    memory.copy(dest, source, 512);
    // Compare memory
    let equal =, buffer2, 256);

// Memory allocation with specific alignment
let aligned_buffer = memory.alloc_aligned<u8>(4096, 4096);  // Page-aligned allocation
defer memory.free_aligned(aligned_buffer);

// Memory protection
memory.protect(buffer, 4096, memory.PROT_READ | memory.PROT_WRITE);

// Non-temporal (non-cached) memory operations
memory.stream_store(large_buffer, 0, 1024 * 1024);  // Bypass cache

Virtual Memory Management

import memory.vm;

// Allocate virtual memory
let region = vm.allocate(0, 16 * 1024 * 1024);  // 16MB region

// Map physical memory into virtual address space, physical_address, 4096, vm.MAP_READ | vm.MAP_WRITE);

// Create memory protection guard pages
vm.protect(region + 4096, 4096, vm.PROT_NONE);  // No access guard page

Memory Barriers and Caching

import memory.cache;

// Memory barriers
memory.barrier();               // Full memory barrier
memory.barrier_acquire();       // Acquire barrier
memory.barrier_release();       // Release barrier

// Cache control
cache.flush_line(address);       // Flush single cache line
cache.invalidate_line(address);  // Invalidate single cache line
cache.flush_range(addr, size);   // Flush range of addresses
Memory Management Example
import memory;

fn main() {
    // Allocate a buffer
    let buffer = memory.alloc<u32>(5);
    // Initialize the buffer
    for (i in 0..5) {
        buffer[i] = i * 10;
    // Print values
    for (i in 0..5) {
        io.println("buffer[{}] = {}", i, buffer[i]);
buffer[0] = 0 buffer[1] = 10 buffer[2] = 20 buffer[3] = 30 buffer[4] = 40

Networking Capabilities

SystemScript provides both high-level and low-level networking capabilities:

Raw Socket Programming

import network.raw;

// Create a raw Ethernet socket
let socket = raw.create_socket("eth0");
defer socket.close();

// Define an Ethernet frame
let frame = EthernetFrame {
    dest_mac: [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF],  // Broadcast
    src_mac: [0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55],   // Source MAC
    ethertype: 0x0800,  // IPv4
    payload: [...]      // IP packet

// Send raw frame
raw.send_frame(socket, &frame);

TCP/IP Stack Access

import network.socket;
import network.ip;

// Create TCP socket
let server = socket.create(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM);
defer server.close();

// Configure socket
server.set_option(socket.SO_REUSEADDR, true);

// Bind to address and port
let address = ip.Address {
    family: ip.AF_INET,
    port: 8080,
    addr: ip.parse("")

// Listen for connections

// Accept connection
let client = server.accept();
defer client.close();

// Send/receive data
let data = client.receive(1024);
client.send("Hello, client!");

High-Level HTTP Client

import network.http;

fn fetch_webpage() -> ResultError> {
    // Create HTTP client
    let client = http.Client::new();
    // Configure request
    let request = http.Request::get("")
        .header("User-Agent", "SystemScript/1.0")
        .timeout(30); // 30 seconds
    // Execute request
    let response = client.send(request)?;
    // Check status
    if (response.status != 200) {
        return Err(Error::HttpError(response.status));
    // Return response body
    return Ok(response.body_text());

Networking Features

Raw Sockets
Custom Protocols

Security Features

SystemScript includes comprehensive security features for safe system programming:

Sandboxing and Privilege Management

import security.sandbox;

// Create restricted execution environment
let sandbox = sandbox.create();

// Restrict capabilities
sandbox.restrict_syscalls([syscall.OPEN, syscall.READ, syscall.WRITE, syscall.CLOSE]);
sandbox.set_memory_limit(100 * 1024 * 1024);  // 100MB

// Execute code in sandbox|| {
    // Code runs with restricted privileges

Memory Protection

import security.memory;

// Create protected memory region
let protected_buffer = memory.secure_alloc(1024);
defer memory.secure_free(protected_buffer);

// Protect sensitive data
memory.secure_zero(password_buffer, password_length);

// Create execute-only memory
let code_page = memory.alloc_executable(4096);


import security.crypto;

// Hash functions
let hash = crypto.sha256("Data to hash");

// Symmetric encryption
let key = crypto.generate_key(crypto.AES_256);
let encrypted = crypto.encrypt(data, key, crypto.AES_GCM);
let decrypted = crypto.decrypt(encrypted, key, crypto.AES_GCM);

// Asymmetric encryption
let keypair = crypto.generate_keypair(crypto.RSA_2048);
let signature = crypto.sign(data, keypair.private);
let valid = crypto.verify(data, signature, keypair.public);
Best Practice: Always validate user inputs, use secure memory functions for sensitive data, and follow the principle of least privilege when designing security-critical applications.

System Calls

SystemScript provides direct access to system calls across different platforms:

System Call Interface

import system.syscall;

// Direct system call invocation
fn custom_write(fd: i32, buffer: *u8, size: size_t) -> ssize_t {
    // Linux x86_64 write syscall
    #[cfg(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "x86_64")]
    return syscall.invoke(1, fd, buffer, size);
    // Linux arm64 write syscall
    #[cfg(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "arm64")]
    return syscall.invoke(64, fd, buffer, size);
    // Windows-specific implementation using NtWriteFile
    #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
    return syscall.nt_write_file(fd, buffer, size);

Platform-Specific System Interfaces

// Linux-specific code
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn setup_io_uring() {
    import linux.io_uring;
    let ring = io_uring.setup(128);
    // Configure IO_URING

// Windows-specific code
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn setup_io_completion_port() {
    import windows.iocp;
    let iocp = iocp.create();
    // Configure IOCP

System Call Categories

Category Description Examples
Process Management Creating and managing processes fork, exec, exit, wait
File Operations Working with files and directories open, read, write, close, stat
Memory Management Managing memory allocations mmap, munmap, mprotect
Network Operations Working with network connections socket, bind, connect, accept
Inter-Process Communication Communication between processes pipe, shmget, msgget, semget
Time and Timers Managing time and scheduling time, gettimeofday, nanosleep

Advanced Features

Concurrency & Parallelism

SystemScript provides comprehensive concurrency primitives for multi-threaded and parallel programming:

Thread Management

import concurrency.thread;

// Create thread
let thread = thread.spawn(|| {
    // Thread code
    for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        // Do work

// Wait for thread completion

// Thread pool
let pool = thread.create_pool(num_cores);

Synchronization Primitives

import concurrency.sync;

// Mutex
let mutex = sync.Mutex::new();
// Critical section

// Read-write lock
let rwlock = sync.RwLock::new();
    let reader = rwlock.read_lock();
    // Multiple readers can access
    let writer = rwlock.write_lock();
    // Exclusive writer access

// Atomic operations
let counter = atomic<i32>(0);
counter.compare_exchange(10, 20);

High-Level Concurrency

import concurrency.async;

// Futures and promises
let promise = async.Promise<i32>::new();
let future = promise.get_future();
let value = future.wait();

// Async/await
async fn fetch_data(url: str) -> ResultError> {
    let response = await http.get(url);
    return process_response(response);

// Task scheduling
let scheduler = async.Scheduler::new(4);  // 4 worker threads

// Coroutines
fn coroutine() -> Generator<i32> {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    yield 3;

for (value in coroutine()) {
Parallel Processing Example
import concurrency.thread;

fn main() {
    let nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
    let results = parallel_map(nums, |x| x * x);
    for (i in 0..nums.length) {
        io.println("{} squared = {}", nums[i], results[i]);

fn parallel_map<T, R>(items: [T], func: fn(T) -> R) -> [R] {
    let results = [R; items.length];
    let threads = [];
    for (i in 0..items.length) {
        let item = items[i];
        let thread = thread.spawn(|| {
            return func(item);
    for (i in 0..threads.length) {
        results[i] = threads[i].join();
    return results;
1 squared = 1 2 squared = 4 3 squared = 9 4 squared = 16 5 squared = 25 6 squared = 36 7 squared = 49 8 squared = 64


SystemScript provides powerful compile-time metaprogramming capabilities:

Compile-Time Function Execution

fn generate_lookup_table() -> [i32; 256] {
    let table: [i32; 256];
    for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        table[i] = i * i;
    return table;

// Table is computed at compile time
const SQUARES = generate_lookup_table();

Code Generation

// Generate struct field accessors
struct User {
    id: i32,
    name: str,
    email: str

// Use generated code
let user = User { id: 1, name: "John", email: "" };
let id = user.get_id();
user.set_name("John Doe");


import meta;

// Get type information at runtime
let type_info = meta.type_of<User>();
for (field in type_info.fields) {
    io.println("Field: " + + ", Type: " +;

// Dynamic instance creation
let instance = meta.create<User>();
meta.set_field(instance, "name", "Dynamic User");

Custom DSLs

// Define a simple query DSL
fn sql_query(query_string: str) -> Query {
    // Parse and validate at compile time
    // Transform to safe SQL operations

// Use the DSL
let users = sql_query("""
    SELECT id, name, email
    FROM users
    WHERE age > 18
    ORDER BY name

JIT Compilation

SystemScript includes a just-in-time compilation system for dynamic code generation:

Dynamic Code Generation

import jit;

// Create JIT compiler
let compiler = jit.Compiler::new();

// Add function to compile
compiler.add_function<fn(i32) -> i32>("square", "
    fn square(x: i32) -> i32 {
        return x * x;

// Compile and get function pointer
let square_fn = compiler.compile<fn(i32) -> i32>("square");

// Execute dynamically compiled function
let result = square_fn(5);  // 25

Low-Level Code Generation

import jit.assembler;

// Create assembler
let asm = assembler.create(assembler.X86_64);

// Generate machine code, assembler.RDI);  // First argument to RAX
asm.imul(assembler.RAX, assembler.RAX); // Square it
asm.ret();                             // Return

// Finalize and execute
let square_fn = asm.finalize<fn(i32) -> i32>();
let result = square_fn(5);  // 25

Runtime Optimization

import jit.optimizer;

// Create a function trace recorder
let tracer = optimizer.trace_recorder();

// Start recording a function execution

// Execute the function with sample input
hot_function(10, "test");

// Stop recording and optimize
let optimized_fn = tracer.finish_and_optimize();

// Replace the original function with the optimized version

Inline Assembly

SystemScript allows embedding assembly code directly in the program:

Basic Inline Assembly

fn cpuid() -> (u32, u32, u32, u32) {
    let eax: u32 = 1;
    let ebx: u32 = 0;
    let ecx: u32 = 0;
    let edx: u32 = 0;
    asm {
        : "=a"(eax), "=b"(ebx), "=c"(ecx), "=d"(edx)
        : "a"(eax)
        : "memory"
    return (eax, ebx, ecx, edx);

Architecture-Specific Assembly

// x86_64 specific inline assembly
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
fn read_tsc() -> u64 {
    let low: u32;
    let high: u32;
    asm {
        : "=a"(low), "=d"(high)
        : "memory"
    return (high as u64) << 32 | (low as u64);

// ARM64 specific inline assembly
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm64")]
fn read_tsc() -> u64 {
    let result: u64;
    asm {
        "mrs %0, CNTVCT_EL0"
        : "=r"(result)
    return result;

SIMD Instructions

import hardware.simd;

// SIMD vector addition using inline assembly
fn vector_add_asm(a: *f32, b: *f32, result: *f32, length: usize) {
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 4) {
        asm {
            "movups xmm0, [%1]
             movups xmm1, [%2]
             addps xmm0, xmm1
             movups [%0], xmm0"
            : "r"(result + i), "r"(a + i), "r"(b + i)
            : "xmm0", "xmm1", "memory"

// Higher-level SIMD API
fn vector_add_api(a: *f32, b: *f32, result: *f32, length: usize) {
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 4) {
        let va = simd.load_f32x4(a + i);
        let vb = simd.load_f32x4(b + i);
        let vresult = simd.add_f32x4(va, vb);
        simd.store_f32x4(result + i, vresult);

Programming Domains

Kernel Development

SystemScript provides features specifically designed for operating system kernel development:

// Simple kernel entry point
extern "C" fn kernel_main() {
    // Initialize console
    terminal.print("SystemScript Kernel booting...\n");
    // Initialize descriptor tables
    // Initialize memory management
    // Initialize device drivers
    // Enable interrupts
    // Initialize scheduler
    // Create initial process
    let init_process = process.create(init_task);
    // Should never reach here
    panic("Kernel returned from scheduler");

// Interrupt handler
fn page_fault_handler(frame: &InterruptFrame) {
    let fault_address = cpu.read_cr2();
    let error_code = frame.error_code;
    if (can_handle_page_fault(fault_address, error_code)) {
        // Map a new page
    } else {
        panic("Unhandled page fault at address " + fault_address);

Device Drivers

SystemScript provides a comprehensive framework for device driver development:

// PCI device driver
struct PciDevice : Driver {
    vendor_id: u16;
    device_id: u16;
    pci_address: u32;
    irq: u8;
    // Driver interface implementation
    fn probe() -> bool {
        // Check if device exists
        return pci.device_exists(vendor_id, device_id);
    fn initialize() -> Result<(), Error> {
        // Find device
        pci_address = pci.find_device(vendor_id, device_id);
        // Enable bus mastering
        // Map device memory
        let bar0 = pci.read_bar(pci_address, 0);
        registers =, 4096);
        // Set up interrupt handler
        irq = pci.get_interrupt_line(pci_address);
        interrupts.register_handler(irq, handle_interrupt);
        return Ok(());
    fn shutdown() {
        // Disable device
        // Free resources
    fn handle_interrupt(frame: &InterruptFrame) {
        // Handle device interrupt
        let status = registers[0x00];
        if (status & 0x01) {
            // Process interrupt
        // Acknowledge interrupt
        registers[0x00] = status;

Web Development

SystemScript provides comprehensive tools for web development, from low-level HTTP handling to high-level web frameworks:

import web.http;
import web.router;

// Define a simple web application
let app = web.Application::new();

// Define routes
app.route("/", method: http.GET, handler: handle_home);
app.route("/api/users", method: http.GET, handler: get_users);
app.route("/api/users", method: http.POST, handler: create_user);

// Start server
app.listen("", 8080);

// Route handler
fn handle_home(req: &http.Request, res: &http.Response) {
    res.content_type = "text/html";

Hello from SystemScript!

); } // JSON API handler fn get_users(req: &http.Request, res: &http.Response) { // Get users from database let users = db.query("SELECT * FROM users"); // Return as JSON res.content_type = "application/json"; res.write(json.stringify(users)); } // Process form submission fn create_user(req: &http.Request, res: &http.Response) { // Parse JSON body let data = json.parse(req.body); // Validate input if (!data.has("name") || !data.has("email")) { res.status = 400; res.write(json.stringify({ error: "Invalid input" })); return; } // Create user let user_id = db.execute( "INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)", [,] ); // Return success response res.status = 201; res.write(json.stringify({ id: user_id })); }

Network Programming

SystemScript provides tools for developing network applications and protocols at any level of abstraction:

import network.protocol;
                import network.packet;
                // Define custom network protocol
                struct MyProtocol {
                    // Protocol header
                    struct Header {
                        version: u8;
                        type: u8;
                        length: u16;
                        sequence: u32;
                        checksum: u32;
                    // Protocol implementation
                    fn parse_packet(data: &[u8]) -> ResultError> {
                        if (data.length < sizeof(Header)) {
                            return Err(Error::InvalidFormat);
                        let header = data.reinterpret<Header>(0);
                        // Verify packet
                        if (header.version != 1) {
                            return Err(Error::UnsupportedVersion);
                        // Verify checksum
                        let computed_checksum = calculate_checksum(data, header.length);
                        if (computed_checksum != header.checksum) {
                            return Err(Error::InvalidChecksum);
                        // Extract payload
                        let payload = data.slice(sizeof(Header), header.length);
                        return Ok(Packet { header, payload });
                    fn create_packet(type: u8, payload: &[u8]) -> [u8] {
                        let total_length = sizeof(Header) + payload.length;
                        let packet = [u8; total_length];
                        // Create header
                        let header = packet.reinterpret<Header>(0);
                        header.version = 1;
                        header.type = type;
                        header.length = payload.length as u16;
                        header.sequence = next_sequence();
                        // Copy payload
                        packet.copy_from(payload, sizeof(Header));
                        // Calculate and set checksum
                        header.checksum = calculate_checksum(packet, total_length);
                        return packet;

Raw Socket Programming

SystemScript provides direct access to network interfaces and raw sockets for low-level network programming:

import network.raw;
                import network.ethernet;
                // Create a raw socket bound to a specific interface
                fn packet_sniffer() {
                    // Open raw socket on interface eth0
                    let socket = raw.create_socket("eth0", raw.ETH_P_ALL);
                    defer socket.close();
                    // Set promiscuous mode
                    // Create buffer for incoming packets
                    let buffer = [u8; 9000];  // Jumbo frame size
                    while (true) {
                        // Receive packet
                        let bytes = socket.receive(buffer);
                        if (bytes > 0) {
                            // Parse Ethernet frame
                            let frame = ethernet.parse_frame(buffer, bytes);
                            // Process based on Ethernet type
                            switch (frame.ethertype) {
                                case ethernet.ETH_P_IP:
                                case ethernet.ETH_P_ARP:
                                    // Unknown protocol

Protocol Implementation

TCP/IP Implementation Example
import network.tcp;
                // Implement a simple TCP client
                fn connect_to_server(address: str, port: u16) -> ResultError> {
                    // Create TCP connection
                    let stream = tcp.connect(address, port)?;
                    // Configure TCP options
                    stream.set_nodelay(true);  // Disable Nagle's algorithm
                    stream.set_keepalive(true, 60);  // Enable keepalive with 60s timeout
                    // Send HTTP request
                    let request = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + address + "\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n";
                    // Read response
                    let response = stream.read_to_string()?;
                    io.println("Received {} bytes", response.length);
                    return Ok(stream);
TCP connection created Setting TCP_NODELAY=true Setting TCP_KEEPALIVE=true (timeout: 60s) Sending HTTP request (47 bytes) Received 1286 bytes

Custom Network Stack

SystemScript allows you to implement custom network stacks for specialized applications:

module custom_network_stack;
                import hardware.nic;
                import network.raw;
                import memory.dma;
                // Network interface driver
                struct NetworkInterface {
                    device: *nic.Device;
                    rx_ring: dma.RingBuffer;
                    tx_ring: dma.RingBuffer;
                    mtu: u16;
                    mac_address: [u8; 6];
                    // Initialize network interface
                    fn initialize(device_id: str) -> Result<(), Error> {
                        // Open network device
                        device =;
                        // Get device capabilities
                        let caps = device.get_capabilities();
                        // Set up DMA rings for zero-copy networking
                        rx_ring = dma.create_ring(device, 256, 2048, dma.DIRECTION_RX);
                        tx_ring = dma.create_ring(device, 256, 2048, dma.DIRECTION_TX);
                        // Get interface properties
                        mtu = device.get_mtu();
                        mac_address = device.get_mac_address();
                        // Enable device
                        return Ok(());
                    // Send packet through interface
                    fn send_packet(packet: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
                        // Get free buffer from TX ring
                        let buffer = tx_ring.get_free_buffer()?;
                        // Copy packet to DMA buffer
                        memory.copy(,, packet.length);
                        buffer.length = packet.length;
                        // Submit buffer to NIC for transmission
                        // Notify device about new TX packet
                        return Ok(());
                    // Receive packets from interface
                    fn receive_packets(callback: fn(&[u8])) {
                        // Process all available packets in RX ring
                        while (let buffer = rx_ring.get_next_received()) {
                            // Process packet through callback
                            callback(, buffer.length));
                            // Return buffer to RX ring

Security Research

SystemScript provides tools for security research and vulnerability analysis, enabling both offensive and defensive security development:

Responsible Use: The security research capabilities of SystemScript are designed for legitimate security testing, vulnerability research, and defensive tool development. Always obtain proper authorization before testing any systems.

Vulnerability Detection

import security.analysis;
                // Detect buffer overflow vulnerabilities
                fn check_buffer_overflow(binary_path: str) {
                    let binary = analysis.load_binary(binary_path);
                    // Find stack buffer allocations
                    let stack_buffers = binary.find_stack_buffers();
                    for (buffer in stack_buffers) {
                        // Check for bounds checking
                        if (!buffer.has_bounds_checking()) {
                            io.println("Potential buffer overflow in function: " + buffer.function);
                            io.println("  Buffer size: " + buffer.size);
                            io.println("  Access patterns: " + buffer.access_patterns);
                // Memory corruption detection
                fn detect_memory_corruption() {
                    // Create protected memory regions
                    let canary_before = protection.create_canary_page();
                    let buffer = memory.alloc(1024);
                    let canary_after = protection.create_canary_page();
                    // Set up handlers
                    protection.on_violation(canary_before, || {
                        panic("Buffer underflow detected");
                    protection.on_violation(canary_after, || {
                        panic("Buffer overflow detected");
                    // Use buffer

Binary Analysis

Binary Analysis Example
import security.binary;
                import security.disasm;
                fn analyze_binary(path: str) {
                    // Load binary
                    let binary = binary.load(path);
                    io.println("Loaded binary: {}", path);
                    // Analyze binary properties
                    io.println("Architecture: {}", binary.architecture);
                    io.println("Entry point: 0x{:X}", binary.entry_point);
                    // Check security features
                    io.println("ASLR: {}", binary.has_aslr());
                    io.println("NX: {}", binary.has_nx());
                    io.println("Stack canaries: {}", binary.has_stack_canary());
                    // Find functions
                    let functions = binary.find_functions();
                    io.println("Found {} functions", functions.length);
                    // Examine a specific function
                    if (let main = binary.find_function("main")) {
                        io.println("\nDisassembling main function:");
                        let disasm = disasm.disassemble(binary, main.address, main.size);
                        for (instruction in disasm.instructions) {
                            io.println("0x{:X}: {} {}", instruction.address, 
                                      instruction.mnemonic, instruction.op_str);
Loaded binary: /usr/bin/sample Architecture: x86_64 Entry point: 0x401000 ASLR: true NX: true Stack canaries: true Found 37 functions Disassembling main function: 0x401150: push rbp 0x401151: mov rbp, rsp 0x401154: sub rsp, 0x20 0x401158: mov dword [rbp-0x14], edi 0x40115B: mov qword [rbp-0x20], rsi 0x40115F: mov edi, 0x402000 0x401164: call 0x401050 0x401169: mov eax, 0x0 0x40116E: leave 0x40116F: ret

Exploit Development

import security.exploit;
                import memory.patcher;
                // Develop proof-of-concept exploit
                fn create_poc(vulnerability_type: str, target_binary: str) -> ResultError> {
                    // Create exploit framework
                    let exploit = exploit.create(vulnerability_type);
                    // Configure target
                    switch (vulnerability_type) {
                        case "buffer-overflow":
                            // Generate pattern to find offset
                            let pattern = exploit.generate_pattern(1024);
                            // Find offset to return address
                            let offset = exploit.find_offset();
                            // Create payload
                            let payload = [u8; offset + 8];
                            // Fill buffer with padding
                            memory.set(payload, 'A' as u8, offset);
                            // Add return address override
                            let ret_addr = exploit.find_gadget("pop rdi; ret");
                            memory.copy_u64_le(payload.offset(offset), ret_addr);
                        case "format-string":
                            // Create format string exploit
                            let got_addr = exploit.find_got_entry("printf");
                            let payload = exploit.create_format_string(got_addr);
                            return Err(Error::UnsupportedExploitType);
                    // Validate exploit
                    if (!exploit.validate()) {
                        return Err(Error::InvalidExploit);
                    return Ok(exploit);

Defensive Security

SystemScript also enables the development of defensive security tools:

import security.monitor;
                import security.ids;
                import network.packet;
                // Network Intrusion Detection System
                struct NetworkIDS {
                    rules: [ids.Rule];
                    interfaces: [str];
                    packet_processors: [PacketProcessor];
                    running: bool;
                    fn initialize(rule_file: str, interfaces: [str]) -> Result<(), Error> {
                        // Load detection rules
                        rules = ids.load_rules(rule_file)?;
                        this.interfaces = interfaces;
                        // Create packet processors for each interface
                        for (iface in interfaces) {
                            let processor = PacketProcessor::new(iface);
                        return Ok(());
                    fn start() {
                        running = true;
                        // Start packet processors
                        for (processor in packet_processors) {
                    fn stop() {
                        running = false;
                        // Stop packet processors
                        for (processor in packet_processors) {
                    fn process_packet(packet: &packet.Packet) {
                        // Check packet against rules
                        for (rule in rules) {
                            if (rule.matches(packet)) {
                                // Alert on match
                                alert(rule, packet);
                                // Take action based on rule
                                if (rule.action == ids.ACTION_BLOCK) {
                    fn alert(rule: &ids.Rule, packet: &packet.Packet) {
                        // Generate alert
                        let alert = ids.Alert {
                            timestamp: system.time(),
                            severity: rule.severity,
                            source_ip: packet.source_ip,
                            dest_ip: packet.dest_ip,
                            protocol: packet.protocol,
                            description: rule.description
                        // Log alert

Binary Patching and Hardening

import security.patch;
                import security.binary;
                // Patch binary to fix vulnerability
                fn patch_binary(path: str) -> Result<(), Error> {
                    // Load binary
                    let binary = binary.load(path);
                    // Find vulnerable function
                    let target_function = binary.find_function("vulnerable_function")?;
                    // Find buffer overflow vulnerability
                    let vuln = target_function.find_pattern([
                        0x48, 0x89, 0xe5,             // mov rbp, rsp
                        0x48, 0x83, 0xec, 0x20,       // sub rsp, 0x20
                        0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00    // call strcpy
                    // Create safer replacement code
                    let safe_code = patch.create_code([
                        0x48, 0x89, 0xe5,             // mov rbp, rsp
                        0x48, 0x83, 0xec, 0x20,       // sub rsp, 0x20
                        0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00    // call strncpy
                    // Fix call reference to strncpy
                    let strncpy_addr = binary.get_plt_entry("strncpy");
                    patch.fix_relative_call(safe_code.offset(7), vuln.address + 7, strncpy_addr);
                    // Apply patch
                    binary.patch(vuln.address, safe_code);
                    // Add additional hardening
                    // Save patched binary
           + ".patched");
                    return Ok(());

Example Programs

Hello World

module hello_world;


fn main() -> i32 {
    io.println("Hello, SystemScript World!");
    return 0;

Minimal Kernel

module kernel;

import hardware.cpu;
import hardware.terminal;
import system.interrupts;
import memory.virtual;

// Kernel entry point
fn kernel_main() {
    // Initialize terminal for output
    terminal.print("SystemScript Kernel\n");
    // Initialize GDT and IDT
    // Setup memory management
    // Setup interrupt handlers
    interrupts.set_handler(0x0E, page_fault_handler);
    // Kernel main loop
    loop {

Memory Management

module memory_manager;

import memory;

// Custom memory allocator
struct BlockAllocator {
    memory_start: *u8;
    memory_size: size_t;
    free_list: *BlockHeader;
    struct BlockHeader {
        size: size_t;
        next: *BlockHeader;
        free: bool;
    // Initialize allocator with memory region
    fn initialize(start: *u8, size: size_t) {
        memory_start = start;
        memory_size = size;
        // Create initial free block
        free_list = start as *BlockHeader;
        free_list.size = size - sizeof(BlockHeader); = null; = true;
    // Allocate memory
    fn alloc(size: size_t) -> *u8 {
        // Align size to 8 bytes
        let aligned_size = (size + 7) & ~7;
        // Find suitable block
        let current = free_list;
        let prev: *BlockHeader = null;
        while (current != null) {
            if ( && current.size >= aligned_size) {
                // Found a block
                // Split if large enough
                if (current.size >= aligned_size + sizeof(BlockHeader) + 16) {
                    // Create new free block
                    let new_block = (current as *u8 + sizeof(BlockHeader) + aligned_size) as *BlockHeader;
                    new_block.size = current.size - aligned_size - sizeof(BlockHeader);
           = true;
                    // Update current block
                    current.size = aligned_size;
           = new_block;
                // Mark as used
       = false;
                // Return pointer to data
                return (current as *u8) + sizeof(BlockHeader);
            prev = current;
            current =;
        // No suitable block found
        return null;
    // Free memory
    fn free(ptr: *u8) {
        if (ptr == null) return;
        // Get block header
        let block = (ptr - sizeof(BlockHeader)) as *BlockHeader;
        // Mark as free = true;
        // Coalesce with next block if free
        if ( != null && {
            block.size += sizeof(BlockHeader) +;

Device Driver

module usb_driver;

import hardware.pci;
import hardware.usb;
import hardware.interrupts;
import memory.mmio;

// USB Host Controller Driver
struct UhciDriver {
    base_address: u32;
    registers: *[u32];
    irq: u8;
    // Command register bits
    const CMD_RUN = 0x0001;
    const CMD_RESET = 0x0002;
    const CMD_GLOBAL_RESET = 0x0004;
    // Status register bits
    const STS_INTERRUPT = 0x0001;
    const STS_ERROR = 0x0002;
    const STS_HALTED = 0x0020;
    // Initialize the driver
    fn initialize() -> bool {
        // Find UHCI controller on PCI bus
        let pci_addr = pci.find_device(0x8086, 0x7112);  // Intel UHCI
        if (pci_addr == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
            io.println("UHCI controller not found");
            return false;
        // Get I/O base address
        base_address = pci.read_bar(pci_addr, 0) & ~0x0F;
        io.println("UHCI base address: " + base_address);
        // Get IRQ
        irq = pci.read_config_byte(pci_addr, 0x3C);
        io.println("UHCI IRQ: " + irq);
        // Enable PCI bus mastering
        let command = pci.read_config_word(pci_addr, 0x04);
        pci.write_config_word(pci_addr, 0x04, command | 0x0004);
        // Register interrupt handler
        interrupts.register_handler(irq, handle_interrupt);
        // Reset the controller
        // Initialize data structures
        // Start the controller
        return true;
    // Reset the controller
    fn reset() {
        // Global reset
        io.port_write<u16>(base_address + 2, CMD_GLOBAL_RESET);
        system.sleep(50);  // Wait 50ms
        io.port_write<u16>(base_address + 2, 0);
        // Controller reset
        io.port_write<u16>(base_address + 2, CMD_RESET);
        system.sleep(10);  // Wait 10ms
        io.port_write<u16>(base_address + 2, 0);

Web Server

module simple_web_server;

import network.socket;
import network.address;
import network.http;
import concurrency.thread;

// Simple HTTP web server
struct WebServer {
    socket: Socket;
    port: u16;
    running: bool;
    // Initialize the server
    fn initialize(port: u16) -> bool {
        this.port = port;
        // Create socket
        socket = socket.create(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM);
        if (!socket.is_valid()) {
            io.println("Failed to create socket");
            return false;
        // Set socket options
        socket.set_option(socket.SO_REUSEADDR, true);
        // Bind to address
        let addr = Address {
            family: socket.AF_INET,
            port: port,
            address: [0, 0, 0, 0]  //
        if (!socket.bind(addr)) {
            io.println("Failed to bind to port " + port);
            return false;
        // Listen for connections
        if (!socket.listen(10)) {
            io.println("Failed to listen on socket");
            return false;
        io.println("Server initialized on port " + port);
        return true;
    // Start the server
    fn start() {
        running = true;
        io.println("Server started, waiting for connections...");
        while (running) {
            // Accept connection
            let client = socket.accept();
            if (!client.is_valid()) {
            // Handle client in a new thread
            thread.spawn(|| {
    // Handle client connection
    fn handle_client(client: Socket) {
        defer client.close();
        // Read request
        let buffer = [u8; 4096];
        let bytes_read = client.receive(buffer, 4096);
        if (bytes_read <= 0) {
        // Parse HTTP request
        let request = http.parse_request(buffer, bytes_read);
        // Log request
        io.println(request.method + " " + request.path);
        // Generate response
        let response: str;
        if (request.path == "/") {
            response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
                     + "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
                     + "Connection: close\r\n"
                     + "\r\n"
                     + "\r\n"
                     + "\r\n"
                     + "

Welcome to SystemScript Web Server

+ "

This is a simple web server implementation.

+ ""; } else { response = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n" + "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" + "Connection: close\r\n" + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "

404 Not Found

+ "

The requested page was not found.

+ ""; } // Send response client.send(response); } }

Network Protocol

module custom_protocol;

import network.socket;
import network.raw;

// Custom network protocol
struct CustomProtocol {
    // Protocol header (little-endian)
    struct Header {
        magic: [u8; 4];     // "CSPL"
        version: u8;        // Protocol version
        type: u8;           // Message type
        flags: u16;         // Flags
        length: u32;        // Payload length
        sequence: u32;      // Sequence number
        checksum: u32;      // CRC32 checksum
    // Message types
    const TYPE_CONNECT = 0x01;
    const TYPE_DATA = 0x02;
    const TYPE_ACK = 0x03;
    const TYPE_DISCONNECT = 0x04;
    // Flag values
    const FLAG_ENCRYPTED = 0x0001;
    const FLAG_COMPRESSED = 0x0002;
    const FLAG_URGENT = 0x0004;
    // Current sequence number
    static sequence: u32 = 0;
    // Calculate CRC32 checksum
    fn calculate_checksum(data: &[u8], length: u32) -> u32 {
        let crc: u32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            let byte = data[i];
            crc ^= byte;
            for (let j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                if (crc & 1) {
                    crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0xEDB88320;
                } else {
                    crc = crc >> 1;
        return ~crc;
    // Create a packet
    fn create_packet(type: u8, flags: u16, payload: &[u8]) -> [u8] {
        let header_size = sizeof(Header);
        let total_size = header_size + payload.length;
        let packet = [u8; total_size];
        let header = packet.reinterpret<Header>(0);
        // Set header fields
        header.magic = ['C', 'S', 'P', 'L'];
        header.version = 1;
        header.type = type;
        header.flags = flags;
        header.length = payload.length;
        header.sequence = sequence++;
        header.checksum = 0;  // Will be set later
        // Copy payload
        if (payload.length > 0) {
            memory.copy(packet.offset(header_size),, payload.length);
        // Calculate and set checksum (excluding checksum field itself)
        header.checksum = calculate_checksum(packet, total_size);
        return packet;



The SystemScript compiler (ssc) translates SystemScript code into optimized machine code:

# Basic compilation
ssc -o program

# Compile with optimization level
ssc -O3 -o program

# Target specific architecture
ssc --target=x86_64 -o program

# Generate debug information
ssc -g -o program

# Enable specific features
ssc --enable-unsafe --enable-jit -o program

# Compile to library
ssc --lib -o

# Compile with specific safety level
ssc --safety=strict -o program

Compiler Features

  • Multi-stage Pipeline: Lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, optimization, code generation
  • Advanced Optimizations: Inlining, dead code elimination, loop unrolling, constant propagation
  • Cross-compilation: Build for multiple platforms from a single host
  • Incremental Compilation: Only recompile modified parts of the codebase
  • Compile-time Evaluation: Execute code at compile time for maximum runtime performance
  • Custom Backends: Generate code for various targets including native code, WebAssembly, and more


The SystemScript linker (ssl) combines multiple object files into executables or libraries:

# Link object files
ssl -o program main.o utils.o

# Link with libraries
ssl -o program main.o -L/usr/lib -lsystemio

# Create a dynamic library
ssl --shared -o file1.o file2.o

# Link with custom entry point
ssl --entry=custom_main -o program main.o

# Link for kernel development
ssl --kernel -o kernel.bin entry.o memory.o


The SystemScript debugger (ssd) provides powerful debugging capabilities:

# Start debugger
ssd program

# Start with arguments
ssd program arg1 arg2

# Debugger commands
(ssd) break main         # Set breakpoint at main
(ssd) break   # Set breakpoint at line 42
(ssd) run                # Run program
(ssd) step               # Step into
(ssd) next               # Step over
(ssd) continue           # Continue execution
(ssd) print variable     # Print variable value
(ssd) backtrace          # Show call stack
(ssd) memory 0x1000 32   # Examine memory
(ssd) disasm             # Disassemble current function
(ssd) registers          # Show CPU registers
(ssd) watch *ptr         # Set memory watchpoint
Debugger Demo
// Sample program to debug
fn factorial(n: i32) -> i32 {
    if (n <= 1) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return n * factorial(n - 1);

fn main() {
    let result = factorial(5);
    io.println("Factorial of 5 is: {}", result);
(ssd) break factorial Breakpoint 1 set at factorial (ssd) run Program started Stopped at breakpoint 1: factorial(n=5) (ssd) print n n = 5 (ssd) next return n * factorial(n - 1); (ssd) step Entering factorial(n=4) (ssd) continue Factorial of 5 is: 120 Program exited with code 0

Build System

SystemScript includes a powerful build system (ssb) for managing complex projects:

# Initialize project
ssb init --name=myproject

# Build project
ssb build

# Clean project
ssb clean

# Run tests
ssb test

# Package for distribution
ssb package

# Project configuration (
project "MyProject" {
    version = "1.0.0"
    authors = ["Your Name"]
    dependencies {
        "system-io" = "^2.0.0"
        "network" = "^1.5.0"
    features {
        default = ["standard"]
        standard = []
        full = ["web", "crypto"]
        web = []
        crypto = []
    targets {
        default {
            type = "executable"
            main = "src/"
        lib {
            type = "library"
            crate-type = ["staticlib", "dylib"]


SystemScript is designed to work across multiple platforms and architectures:

Supported Operating Systems

Bare Metal

Supported Architectures


Kernel Development Features

Interrupt Handling
Memory Management
Process Scheduling
Device Drivers
System Calls
IO Management
File Systems
Boot Process

Network Programming Features

Raw Sockets
BPF Filters
Zero-copy I/O
Protocol Stacks
Traffic Shaping
Packet Capture
DMA Rings
Flow Control
QoS Management
TCP/IP Stack

Security Research Features

Binary Analysis
Symbolic Execution
Memory Corruption
Process Hooking
Binary Patching
Vulnerability Detection
Exploit Development
Malware Analysis

Foreign Function Interface

SystemScript can interoperate with code written in other languages:

// C function import
extern "C" {
    fn printf(format: *const char, ...) -> i32;
    fn malloc(size: size_t) -> *void;
    fn free(ptr: *void);

// Export SystemScript function to C
#[export_name = "process_data"]
fn process_data_for_c(data: *u8, length: size_t) -> i32 {
    // Implementation

// Link to external library
#[link(name = "SDL2")]
extern "C" {
    fn SDL_Init(flags: u32) -> i32;
    // More SDL functions

Implementation Details

Compiler Architecture

The SystemScript compiler is implemented as a multi-stage pipeline:

  1. Lexical Analysis: Converts source text into tokens
  2. Parsing: Builds an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) from tokens
  3. Semantic Analysis: Type checking and validation
  4. Optimization: Various optimization passes
  5. Code Generation: Converts IR to machine code

Runtime System

The SystemScript runtime provides essential services:

  • Memory Management: Allocation, deallocation, garbage collection
  • Concurrency: Thread management, synchronization
  • FFI: Foreign function interface
  • Exception Handling: Error propagation and recovery
  • Platform Abstraction: OS and hardware abstraction

Performance Considerations

SystemScript is designed for high performance:

  • Zero-Cost Abstractions: High-level features with no runtime overhead
  • Ahead-of-Time Compilation: Full optimization at compile time
  • Optional JIT Compilation: Dynamic optimization
  • Direct Hardware Access: No OS abstraction when needed
  • SIMD and Vectorization: Automatic use of SIMD instructions
  • Cache-Friendly Algorithms: Optimized for modern CPU architectures

Safety and Security Considerations

Important: SystemScript provides powerful low-level access capabilities that can affect system stability if used incorrectly. Always use appropriate safety mechanisms and follow security best practices.
  • Privilege Management: Many low-level operations require elevated privileges (root/admin) to access hardware directly
  • Memory Safety: Use safe memory management practices and only use unsafe operations when absolutely necessary
  • Input Validation: Always validate external inputs before processing them
  • Sandboxing: Use the sandboxing features when executing potentially unsafe code
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling for all operations that could fail
  • Security Auditing: Regularly audit code for security vulnerabilities

Safety Levels

SystemScript provides multiple safety levels that can be enforced at compile time:

// Safe code by default
fn safe_example() {
    let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    for (i in 0..array.length) {
        array[i] *= 2;  // Bounds checked

// Opt-in to unsafe operations
fn unsafe_example() {
    unsafe {
        // Direct memory manipulation
        let ptr = 0x1000 as *u32;
        *ptr = 42;  // Could crash if invalid address